Asif Ali Zardari
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The Convocation of a University is a milestone in the lives of the graduating students and the University. I am pleased to learn that Greenwich University has achieved yet another milestone today. On this auspicious occasion I wish to congratulate the graduating students, their parents and guardians and the faculty on this momentous day in their lives.
To the graduating students I would like to say that they should not regard graduation as the end of their education and training. Education is a life long process and a graduation ceremony marks the beginning of new phase in their lives as they enter practical life to put to use the knowledge and expertise acquired at the University. I hope that they will employ their knowledge for the greater good of greater number of people and thereby achieve personal fulfillment on the one hand, and bring a good name to their Almamater on the other.
Educated and trained human resource is the real wealth of a nation. We live in a competitive world in which survival and progress of nations depends on qualified and trained human resource. Institutions of higher learning and Universities play an important role in producing this national wealth. It is reassuring that the private sector has also stepped forward and is playing a commendable role in producing quality graduates.
I am pleased to learn that Greenwich University has earned a name in academic excellence. I am confident that it will continue its forward march and uphold its name as a prestigious institution dedicated to imparting quality education.
I once again congratulate the Vice-Chancellor of the University Ms. Seema Mughal, faculty members, administration and the students whose combined efforts and commitment has made this Convocation possible.
I wish the graduating students all success in their practical life. I also wish this seat of higher learning a glorious future.

Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani
Prime Minister
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
It gives me immense pleasure to felicitate the management and faculty of Greenwich University for holding the Convocation. I also extend my heartiest congratulations to the graduates who will be receiving medals and degrees at this Convocation.
Education plays a key role in personal and communal development, therefore, Allah Almighty enjoined upon the Muslims in the very first revelation of the Quran to ‘read’. Pakistan’s economic, social and political salvation lies in adherence to this divine injunction.
Human capital is our key resource for progress, self-reliance, prosperity and a dignified place among the nations. This government is committed to promote the role of higher education in the country. Our support will remain available to all institutions of higher education whether these are in public or private sector. Sole objective of our policy is quality education laced with ethics and morality.
Convocations are milestones in the academic march of Universities. These are not just the ceremonial occasions done colorful robes, but mark the end of scholastic period and herald the beginning of a practical career. I hope these graduates will live up to the expectations of their parents, teachers and particularly the Nation and will serve their country with devotion and dedication.
I once again congratulate the recipients of degrees and medals and wish them bright future.

Dr. Ishrat Ul Ebad Khan
Governor of Sindh
Sindh has a rich tradition of being a centre of attraction and excellence for knowledge seekers and knowledge givers. Throughout history, we have kept our doors and arms open for new people, fresh ideas and innovative endeavors.
This land has, in recent history, seen influx of population and smilingly rehabilitated and accommodated compatriots — all for love and progress.
In the backdrop of such an eventful history, our ever-growing thirst for professional education continues to be amply satiated by prestigious institutions, among which Greenwich University has a distinct and distinguished presence.
As the Patron of this seat of higher learning, I am delighted to witness the holding of its Convocation and wish all the participants a very happy, fruitful and prosperous future.

Syed Qaim Ali Shah
Chief Minister of Sindh
It is a privilege for me to note that Greenwich University is holding its Convocation-2010 on April 24, 2010 within the premises of the University. The institutions of higher learning have a public covenant with their society: They have to provide not only the know-how, but also the know-why and the what-for to our younger generations.
Nobody should be excluded from knowledge and its benefits. To this end, while it becomes the government’s prime responsibility to create an enabling environment for public and private sector educational institutions alike. The academia must work towards knowledge creation and knowledge dissemination in a manner as to fully contribute to a more informed, judicious and just human society.
Greenwich University, a prime seat of education in Sindh, is at the forefront of our mission to attain the goal of preparing our children, and our children’s children, to meet the challenges of the 21st century as fully equipped, competent professionals.

Sardar Aseff Ahmed Ali
Federal Minister for Education
Government of Pakistan
My heartfelt greetings to the management, faculty and the graduating students on the occasion of their Convocation.
The basic human instinct of curiosity leads to inquiry, creating knowledge and necessitating action that takes life to the next higher level of all-encompassing development. A vibrant society thrives on strength of its groomed and competent workforce, its human capital.
Pakistan is blessed with a population spread that can be more than capably prepared to challenges of national reconstruction. With this conviction, the government has embarked upon an ambitious plan to spread education to every nook and corner of our country.
The private sector institutions have a special role in this endeavour: to complement and supplement the efforts of the public sector institutions to make available.

Dr. Javaid R. Laghari, T.I.
Chairperson Higher Education Commission
Government of Pakistan
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan derives inspiration from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, one of the most venerable documents in human history, which categorically states that ‘Everyone has the right to education … (and) higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit’.
In line with these universal exhortations, HEC is proactively involved in creating enabling environment for the centers of higher learning, both in the nation’s public as well as private sector, to turn Pakistan into an academically, intellectually and professionally equipped country contributing to knowledge economy and social development.
I consider Greenwich University as among the places where quality education is being imparted and ingrained into the very soul of its students.
I express my sincere felicitation to Greenwich management, faculty, students and alumni on their Convocation.